Friday 29 November 2013

Dragon Nest Sea Teases Jasmine Expedition Base

Well, it's the time of the month again and your favourite teaser, Addison Kang is here to tease stuff on the next month's update for dragon nest SEA.

He posted the following message on his facebook page


Veteran players or simply players who do some extra research would know that what Addison Kang is saying is hugely related, if not directly related to Jasmine Expedition Base, Simply because Jasmine expedition base will also be the dungeon that the new extra chapter will come in when you see how "evil" jasmine is.

Yup definitely evil:

Since level 70 is scheduled for January, jasmine expedition base must be before january and it seems i will probably be proven correct, with ddn hc literally confirmed to be in december too!

That means there are no more updates to level 70, effectively meaning SEA will be getting level 70 as planned. That means, HOLY SHIT, no more suffix T_T(NOOOO, MY LIFE IS OVER WITHOUT SUFFIX!!!!!!!)

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