Light Fury can be considered as a Saints compliment, not replacement. Why did I say so? It is because they are the next addition to support classes more specifically to healing classes. However, they don't totally replace the job of a Saint as they can be a good source of damage for parties while healing.
If a Saint and a Light Fury can work in synergy with each other and with their party, then consider your team as a Invincible one.
In addition, they have this so called Dark Burn Mechanic in their Bringer skill tree which is similar to Elemental Lord's burning effect. Each skills on the Abyss Walker skill tree gives a burning sensation to the enemy except Shadow Focus which by the way, is similar to Ignite skill which deals damage to enemies with Dark Burn status. However, there is an added effect to Shadow Focus which blind enemy AI for a few seconds.
And lastly, Light Fury are said to stack VIT stat to increase their survivability and do more supportive actions in a team rather than dishing out damage. Remember that this class is best to have as a support and not as a DPS.
Oh by the way if you are looking for other Assassin skill builds, you can check out the links below:
I think that you have enough knowledge on Light Fury now let us proceed to the PvE and PvP skill builds.
Pure PvE Light Fury Skill Build
Assassin Skill Tree |
Bringer Skill Tree |
Light Fury Skill Tree |
Skill Distribution Reasoning
Assassin Skill Tree
Must-Have Skills:
Fan of Edge- This skull has the highest board damage in the Assassin tree. Throwing it at point blank in front of a large boss will deal all 6 hits to it and the damage is really great. Best at level 11, 16 and 24. Damage on the tool tip is per shuriken, so throwing all 6 deals 6 times the board damage. This skill cannot hit downed targets.
Tumbling- Max for mobility and evasion of course.
Fake Clog- Level 3. The skill was reduced as the SP for Ripper was a lot and it is constrained. This skill is like the Sorceress Escape skill or Kali Puppet Soul skill. It induces a debuff and enemies within the area will receive critical damage when hit. I have seen mobs being aggro-ed to the barrel in dungeons but it does not say on the tool tip. But I still deduce that it can provoke mobs for a while. Some players do not level this skill to it’s max at all. But as long as you can evade well you can take SP out of this skill and leave it somewhere else.
Aerial Evasion- To avoid being juggled everytime in the air, max this skill.
Raid- Buffs you and your allies critical damage by 10%. Meaning the critical now allows you to deal 200% but with the buff it can deal 210%. Buff lasts for 300 seconds which is very useful in raids. 8 members dealing critical is almost extra 80% damage.
Feint- This skill is considered quite a good skill as it’s a life saver. When you are almost dead you will recover 10% of your max HP. When Assassin was released at the start, lot’s of players had wanted to add this due to the cool down reduction but in the end it’s not really very worth it to waste the SP to reduce the cool down. Max level is 7 for the 70 cap and the reduction of cool down is almost by a minute.
Notable Skill:
Shadow Hand- Why I consider this skill notable? It's because of its super armor breaking capability. If you have spare SP, go get this skill as you may need this to break objects in dungeons.
Light Fury Skills
Outbreak – Level 6. The skill is leveled just to get the EX version. This skill is great in PvP and not really in PvE since the DPS is not really great. It is very hard to aim well if you don’t have a computer with good specs, it will lag your computer for awhile and once the lag is gone the skill is also cast finished.
Chakra of Energy – Level 11. The skill is a real dilemma to add as even though it has a 15 seconds cool down it heals only you and 2 other party member. It only heals significant health. A Saint can do the healing, this is just for emergency healing.
Ring of Chakra -Level 1. The damage reduction is tempting but it’s not worth the SP at all to get more damage reduction. Most just want the 50% increase in speed. Aiming your cross hair slightly to the left would make the tunnel straight. There is no significant end to the tunnel. If it’s a long route it will go all the way and disappear after 10 seconds. You cannot cast it on slopes or heightened terrain. The tunnel will be cut off.
There is a free Illusion Chakra activation if you press the “Special Attack Button” right after the animation of the skill you will cast Illusion Chakra for free. Though skill has been fixed in CDN v200, you guys can test it out when we get ours.
Ring Strike – Level 15. One of your best DPS skill. All Bringers should get this skill. this skill can deal about 17- 20 hits for a small target. 23 – 30 hits for a boss which has a bigger surface area. This skill has significant damage but the casting time is also very long. You can cancel it by pressing ‘Spacebar’ and it will deal the landing hit which is about 3 – 4 hits.A must have to get skill ring to get it to level 16.
Healing of Chakra – Level 13. A skill to must max even if you are a Abyss Walker as it’s the skill that most players would still accept if you want a raid slot. Best if you get the skill ring. It greatly heals MP and solves mana problems for Sorceress that fight along side you in nests or raids. The higher the level the higher attack buff for the whole party. As usual when meditating you cannot do anything at all. You only can observe your surroundings and decide to re summon your clones or animals if needed.
The next part of this skill is that it gives extra attack to your allies within the 5m (non EX) radius, at max level it can give close to 45% extra damage to allies. It can also buff summons, meaning clones, summons, towers, relics and Soul Gate can also be boosted as long as they are within the reach of the skill.
Another understanding about the skill is that the speed plate it have does not increase the movement to levitate fully but the first pulse it will send out to buff allies. Having Spirit Boost will really boost the pulse significantly.
Ring of Energy – Level 1. A Saint-like Miracle Relic skill. It also places a debuff area in front which reduces damage taken by 70%. The area also clears up to 10 debuffs. You mostly need it just for the debuff and not the damage. That’s why I left it at level 1.
Abyss Walker Skills
Illusion Strike – Level 1. This skill is also useless and does not deal enough DPS. Though the super armor break is very high and has been nerfed slightly. It can deal up to around 15- 19 full hits. Deals the Dark Burn debuff also. Good to combo together with Shadow Focus since it’s easier to activate.
Night Explosion – Level 1. This skill does two hits and it’s a combination with Comet and Blackhole of the Force Users. The first hit deals about 25% of board damage and the second hit is the explosion which will deal 75% of the remaining hit. The first hit will grab mobs within the AOE and they cannot move. You can move the second hit at the last moment before the explosion. For PvP, some classes can activate their special escape skill to escape the second hit.

Plasma Burst – Level 1. A 15 second cool down Justice Crash. The animation is really cool and has a short invincibility frame in between its transition of the skill. It can deal significant damage to targets and deal dark burn effect. You can activate after using Double Somersault or while lifted into the air. You can also press the hot key directly. Although it will have a shorter distance. Though it does not trigger like Justice Crash in which you can press the ‘Spacebar’ you have to still press the hot skill key. This skill also lands slightly about 5m in front so you must remember the distance before activating.
Shadow Focus – Level 1. Skill can only be activated when your targets are inflicted with Dark Burn. If they are not the skill will cast but will not deal any damage. The skill when activated will blind enemies in PvE for 5 seconds and second for PvP. It will also grab them into the air and attack them.
If they are not looking at you the skill also cannot be activated.
Line of Darkness – Level 13. A warrior like “Linedrive” skill. It can be activated two times and the window period is only – seconds for the second dash. Once after the period you cannot cast the second dash. It is very hard to control the second dash accurately but it deals very high burst damage. So it’s worth to level it high regardless of a Light Fury or Abyss Walker.
Dark Conviction – Level 2. Ultimate for Abyss Walker and is only great for PvE. It’s useless in PvP. It cast a 360 degree AOE and shoots up to — balls around you and will deal the remaining damage when the balls fall back down. It can deal massive damage to big targets but like in PvP where players are small and single it’s hard to get the damage where the ball falls back down.
This ultimate still depends on whether you want it or not. Since in nests most of the time you could be casting Ring of Energy but the damage for this skill is really too good to not take.
Choices where you would allocate the 4 SP for this skill if you do not want it can be at either the Cat summon or Chakra of Energy.
Spectral Guise – Summons a frontal barrier in front of you. Some have said it can block some skills. Something like Elestra’s Ice Spikes. Useful only in PvP so not needed for this build.
Healing of Ajna (Bunny) – Never added due to SP constraint though some players have found that the bunny actually heals more then the Chakra of Energy which can be activated every 15 seconds. Since the bunny lasts on the field as long as it is not killed.
Bless of Ajna (Bear) – Level 6. A must max skill as it increases your dark attack and light attack. The bear will last on the field forever unless it is killed by bosses. Although it shows the buff time is 30 seconds but as long as the bear is in range the buff will refresh itself. Though tool tip says there is a global cool down of 5 seconds while playing in TWDN, you could summon the bear and cat 1 second after the other is done.
Pact of Ajna (Cat) – Level 1. This skill is one of the skills you will use while you are meditating in the nest or raids. SP constraints are a big problem if you want to level the cat. Cat will throw the big shuriken that usually does the best DPS and has the biggest AoE. The cat will not die as long it’s not attacked by mobs.
Summon Shadow – Level 2. A must max skill, summons two more clones of you which will be attacking anything they see in their vision. xD Or unless you give them a target when you mark it with Illusion Chakra. The summons will last for 15 seconds (level 2) and you will also have to buff them if you want to increase their damage. When your summons use the Abyss Walker skills they cannot give the Dark Burn debuff. Only the skills you cast can.
The summons at level 2 can also cast the EX version of either skills. which makes it really broken.
The summons can use Outbreak, Ring Strike, Plasma Burst and Line of Darkness. Note that in PvP the summon is only 1, it can only cast 2 skills before disappearing. Having it at level 2 will add 2.5 seconds more to the summon and let you cast one more skill.
Chakra Cure – Level 10. A must max skill to make sure you can debuff your allies in need. This can substitute as the emergency Cure Relic for the party. Every increase in level reduces the cool down by 5 seconds. So there is the need to get this skill to level 10. Cures only up to 10 debuff whereas when compared to the Cure Relic as long as the Relic refreshes every debuff gets cured.
Note that this skill is unlike Cure Relic EX if you are frozen, time stopped you can activate it but nothing will happen so do not cast it as you would only waste it and the skill will go into cool down. You only can activate it if you can move smoothly.
Chakra Punch – Not needed. This skill used to be together with Illusion Chakra but was split because Illusion Chakra had too many options. There is no need to waste 1 SP to get this skill. This skill allows you to tumble and whack your opponent immediately after it.
Illusion Chakra – Level 1. This skill is pretty need should you want to escape quickly. It has 2 options, one to escape and one to mark. You can leave it in the hot key or just use Tumble and space bar.
Escape option can be triggered via the Tumble skill or space bar to teleport in that direction.
Mark option can be triggered after you cast the skill and press the “Normal Attack Button”, once you punch the target all your summons (Cat and Clones) will specifically hit that target.
Light Fury Skill Tree
Chakra of Miracle – It’s really a miracle burst of heal for members in the party. It lasts for 3 seconds and has a cool down of 60 seconds.
Sunshine Spark – The ball actually take a bit of time to land but the debuff is great as it increase the damage of the inflicted target by 20% for a period of time. Casting animation is a tad bit slow, so a movement speed plate for this skill is recommended.
Unbelievable Chakra of Light – Level 1. This is your level 65 passive. While casting “Outbreak” and “Chakra of Energy” it will buff you for 10 seconds and gives the buff of adding 10% Light Attack and Physical Attack.
Outbreak EX – Level 1. Skill will now allow you to dodge out of it. But if you dodge you will not let the 80% of the damage hit the target. EX adds extra 30% damage to the whole skill.
Chakra of Energy EX – Level 1. Can cure you and 2 other members now and also buffs your movement speed by 50% which will last for 3 seconds.
Ring Strike EX – Level 1. The AoE of Ring Strike is significantly improved and deals really big damage.
Chakra of Healing EX – Level 1. The radius is now increased to 7m and also gives the 50% damage reduction buff. Also clicking “Normal Attack Button” at any point of the skill will allow you to cast Sunshine Spark to debuff targets.
Pure PvP Light Fury Skill Build
Assassin Skill Tree |
Bringer Skill Tree |
Light Fury Skill Tree |
Skill Distribution Reasoning
Changes made:
- Fan of Edge has been removed and level 18 Piercing Star is added.
- Take both MP and MP Recovery because you may not be able to meditate in solo PvP.
- Level 16 Outbreak for the burst damage.
- Chakra of Energy is level 6 for some burst healing for yourself should you want.
- Leave Chakra of Healing at level 6 for some healing and buff should you play group PvP. Should you not like group PvP the 5 SP can be removed and allocated to Chakra of Energy to level 11.
- Ring of Energy for the damage or area depends on you.
- Spectral Guise for that small defense.
- Put extra SP on either Night Explosion or Plasma Burst. Plasma Burst is more preferable because of the fast casting animation.
- Chakra of Cure is at level 1 as there is no need to max it since most of the time you would not really need it in PvP.
- Cat summon is at max level but if you do not want it you can allocate the 6 SP to maybe one of the level 6 Abyss Walker skill.
- Dark Conviction is not added as it is worthless in PvP. It’s close to zero chance your ultimate will hit anyone.