Tuesday 12 November 2013

Moonlord skill build for level 40 & 50 in Dragon Nest

The fancy Moonlord has finally arrived in Dragon Nest SEA. With his devastating range attacks, he can send countless enemies into oblivion with one swing of his sword. However, it may be difficult for him to do that if you don't allocate the right amount of SP on the needed skills of a Moonlord. That is why, I've deced to create yet another guide on Dragon Nest SEA, intended for those players who wanted to become a dazzling Moonlord in the game. Do note that what I'm about to show you is a guide to create the ideal skill build for a Moonlord, which only means that you have to decide at the end which skill will you max.

Must Read: Before you take a peek on my Moonlord Skill Build Guide, I strongly suggest not to max a skill yet on the Swordmaster skill tree, until you've reached level 50. The most common mistakes of Dragon Nest SEA players is they pumped up their skill at low levels which make them skipped certain skills that are needed for their respective character. In the end, it's vry important to be patient before deciding which skill you should max to the full extent. 

Warrior Skill Tree
Heavy Slash- Leave it at level 1. The damage is good but, it's not advisable to level it high as you'll need all the SP you can get to maximize the most needed skill for a Moonlord.

Impact Punch- Leave it at level 1 also. If you're a PVP fanatic, then you might want to leave a slot for this skill in your hotkey. It's a great skill to knock down an opponent which can often be use as part of a Swordmaster's chain combo.
Impact Wave- Send shockwave up to 4m away and can knock down opponents. It may be a good skill to get as a Moonlord as it uses the magic side of the class' attack power. Put the remaining SP here to satisfy the 45 SP requirement to get your Ultimate skill.

Rising Slash- Level it up to 6. At this level, you can use the additional blow (that rising action) twice which has 25% extra damage and, its damage increment at this level is ridiculously good. So far, it's one of the best skill in the Warrior skill tree to invest SP, so that you can achieve the 45 SP requirement to skill from the SM skill tree, until to your Ultimate.

Dash- Another great skill that you must max in the Warrior skill tree.It gives the warrior classes great mobility. With the skill revamped in DN SEA, its MP consumption was lessen into the point that you can't even notice your MP going down while using this skill.

Circle Break- Don't invest SP on it. The skill does good damage in a fairly wide AOE and has super-armor breaking capabilities. But the fact is, it uses the physical attack side of a Warrior which isn't going to work out if you're going Moonlord.

Tumble- Max this skill to make an evasive action every 2.6 seconds. 

Wake Attack- Get this skill. This is your only way to get up fast after hitting the ground, and damage the enemy while in the process.

Dropkick- Invest 1 SP for utility purposes in PVP or don't bother getting this skill. This skill might come in handy in PVp as you can hit your enemies while on the air. A very good skill as a part of your chain combo but very useless in PVE.

Sweeping Kick- This skill is just for PVP. It allows you to hit knock down opponents and possibly start another chain combo. Don't get this skill if you're going PVE type.

Soccer Kick- Don't invest SP on it. If this was a Destroyer/Barbarian skill build guide, then I would probably suggest getting this skill. But it's not.

Aerial Evasion- Max this skill. This skill will give you the chance to escape when you're being juggled in the air.

Physical Mastery- Max this skill to increase your HP.

Mental Mastery- Max this skill to increase your MP.

Mind Conquer- Max this skill to increase your MP recovery.

Highlander- Get this skill no matter what. It can help you and your party survive a vicious attack for a certain period of time. Say for example, the Lava Golem has casted his ignition skill and you've used HL before that, then you just saved the whole party from being wiped out.

Relieve- Level it up to 3 for the two debuff removal. Very useful in PVP and also in PVE sometimes.

Swordmaster Skill Tree

Triple Slash- Level this skill to 1 for prerequisite. Very useful in terms of PVP as it can be your first attack to initiate a chain combo. When enemy gets hit with this skill, they can't take action until the finishing slash, unless they've casted counter skills like the Engineer's Flash Grenade.

Front Shove- Level it to 1 for prerequisite. usually, this skill is very useful in PVP as it can enable you to step back, and then launch an attack forward, destroying the enemy's rhythm and can save you from being combo-ed to death.

Hacking Stance- Level it to 1 for prerequisite. This is one of the skill shy Swordmasters are considered great in PVP. If you successfully hit your enemy with this skill, the he/she will be helpless for the whole duration of the skill.

Rage- Don't get this skill. If this was a Gladiator skill build, then I would probably suggest to max this skill. But it's not. This skill is a great player killer in PVP. I often got kills on PVP with this one as it can do good damage in one hit flawless hit. All you need to do is, draw a distance between you and your enemy, then perfectly aim on your target, and then BOOM! But the fact is, it uses the physical side of a Swordmaster which isn't recommended for Moonlord.

Dash Slash- Level it to 1. The first skill you can immediately cast while in Dash. Usually, I use this skill to start a chain combo in PVP, which is very effective by the way.

Dash Combo- Level it to 1. After Dash Slash, you can follow up with a few hits using this skill. Very good skill in PVP.

Eclipse- Max this skill. Yes, it uses the physical attack side of an SM which is not recommended when you're going Moonlord as they are more of a magic-type Swordsman. However, this skill is an exception. You don't need the damage for this skill but the super-armor reduction . You need the highest super-armor reduction as possible to be able to do a chain combo as often times, SM's attack can be interrupted.

Counter Slash- Don't get this skill if you're going Moonlord. With the help of skill revamped, we have now the choice to skip this skill. Not really that useful for ML as it uses the physical side of your attack.

Provoking Slam- This skill must be at max level. Like Eclipse, it uses the physical side but, like Eclipse, we should not take note of that. However, we should prioritize the buff which boost the damage (when it hits your target) of your character for a period of time.

Aerial Combo- Level it to 1. A good skill to have in terms of PVP. Perfect to use after using Rising Slash.

Parrying- Max this skill. This skill gives you the chance to counterattack. The skill works like this: When you have successfully parry-ed and attack, you can then use Counter Wave. However, you should be extra observant on your character so that you don't miss seeing your character black an attack using his sword.

Parrying Stance- Max this skill . Compared to Parrying, this skill allows your character to parry enemy attacks for a 100% rate. However, this buff only last for 12 seconds at level 1. If you think that's enough, then don't level it any further but, if you find the extra duration useful, then max this skill. 

Counter Wave- Level it to 1. Launch a counterattack after you have successfully parry-ed an attack. The best thing about this skill is that it has a very fast cooldown (1 second to be exact) and it can hit middle-ranged targets. However, I suggest not to max this skill despite of these facts as you can only use this if you have successfully parry-ed an attack.

Counter Exile- Level it to 1. This skill may become your extra evasion skill as it can also be activated when you're being attacked in the air. Might really come in handy in both PVE and PVP.

Moonlight Splitter- Level it 11 or more. This is one of the skill you want to max if you're going Moonlord. It's a highly spammable skill as it has and 8 seconds cooldown and the best part is, when a plater or small mobs gets hits by those waves, they will be in a stagger state for a certain period of time.

Cyclone Slash- Put the remaining SP on this skill. When level up high, the cyclone get bigger and most of all, the damage of this skill will be insanely high if you level it further. However, it can be a bit tricky to use in terms of PVP as the cyclone will be in slow motion moving towards a target, which makes it easy to avoid. Lots of practice is required for this skill.

Crescent Cleave- Level it to 6. Very goo skill in terms of doing large damage to huge nest bosses. At level 6, you can throw 5 sword energy, which looks like a claw.

Additional Details: From what I've noticed using the skill, I've learned that the damage increases as the sword wave(s) passes through the enemy. For example, the initial hit will do a 5,000 damage and then it will become 7,000 and so on, until it finally passes the enemy. That's why it's a great skill to have in PVE.

Halfmoon Slash- Max this skill. One of the greatest skill of a Moonlord. It has a very high damage when maxed and most of all, it has a very wide frontal AOE which can hit every enemy that is facing you. When you have a 50% animation speed plate for this skill, then this can wreck havoc in both dungeons and PVP arenas.

Ultimate Skill

Great Wave- When going Moonlord, this is the skill you must have. Although it's damage isn't that high as Infinity Edge, Great Wave is probably more efficient to use because when it hits an enemy, it will do 2780%+38977 damage per hit, compared to IE which will do the whole damage if you probably made every hit count.

Moonlord Skill Tree

Moon Blade Dance- Must get this skill to level 2. This is one of the fanciest skill in the game. In fact, I think it's the most fancy. Your character will jump in the air and deal quick 5 diagonal slashes. Single hit mag dmg 116.4%+202 amd cooldown is only 19 seconds at level 2 which makes it highly spammable. 

Moonlight Splitter Ex- Get this skill. It enhances your moonlight splitter, with additional 30% AOE damage.

Flash Stance- Get this skill. It allows you to do quick long tange attack for over 7 seconds. Single hit mag dmg 56%+602. Left click to throw sword slashes and right-click it to cast a heavy damage final blow and cancel the stance.

The next thing you should know is the skill plates you will need for your Moonlord. In my case, I have this following skill plates:
  • Halfmoon Slash- 50% action speed
  • Moonlight Splitter- 20% increased damage
  • Moon Blade Dance- 20% increase damage
  • Crescent Cleave- 20% increased damage
For PVP, I suggest Sweeping Kick 50% action speed

Level 40 Skill Build for Moonlord in Dragon Nest:

Important Note: Counter Wave and Counter Slash is still present in the current cap. Just get Counter Wave for Moonlord.
Warrior Skill Tree
Swordmaster Skill Tree
Level 50 Skill Build for Moonlord in Dragon Nest:
Warrior Skill Tree
Swordmaster Skill Tree
Moonlord Skill Tree
Level 50 Moonlord Skill Build after the 450 Mark Patch (with New Skill called Brave):
After the 450 Patch update, my Moonlord skill build has drastically change. With the new skill and some combined skill, now, this is my new skill build for my Moonlord.

Note: The only thing that have changed in my skill build is at the Swordmaster skill tree. It's because that's the only skill tree that the developer made changes. Warrior and Moonlord tree are not affected on these changes.
Swordmaster Skill Tree with Brave
Why Max Brave?
Well, it's obviously a great new skill to have as a Moonlord. Not only that it does magical damage to the enemy, but it will also increase your damage for a certain percentage, in a certain period of time. But the most promising part of this skill is the superarmor reduction debuff. With this debuff, it will literally give us the ability to interrupt enemy attacks (its casting), giving us more chances to do chaining combos.

Why Counter Slash just level 1?
Yes! Indeed this skill is pretty impressive. Just think of the option to do both physical and magical damage to the enemy just by clicking either right or left click mouse button. But the fact is, this skill only procs when you have successfully parryied and enemy attack. Take note that our passive parry only will give us a 12% chance to counter while our parry buff will last for 18 seconds an it has a long cooldown which only means that we can't use it any times we want.

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