Blade Dancers are one of the most agile classes in Dragon Nest when compared to Acrobats and they have buffs that can aid on parties when running dungeons or nests. Her i frames in the PvP and PvE arena helps her to survive even longer and are generally a good class to play. It is also fun as her action speed is very fast and it keeps you on your toes at every second in the game.
Despair Needle – Not needed for a blade dancer usually as you have enough skills to keep catching your opponents.
Sting Breeze – Level 1. Not really needed as high levels but this skill has two parts. One part would be pushing the mob back and the second part is lifting the mob up into the air
Fancy Turn – Level 1. The skill makes you turn on the spot and whack mobs 360 degrees around you.
Spirit Blow – Level 6. This skill is great as it lifts your opponent up into the air and allow you to waste their Aerial Evasion or their Tumble skill. It also uses physical attack and can deal big damage at the higher levels.
Negative Ghost – Not really needed but when you are at low level it could help in PvE as it makes mobs walk away from you like they are confused. Gives you a little breather space.
Phantom Guard – Level 5. This skill is very useful regardless of PvE or PvP as it increases your superarmor and also gives you damage reduction. Meaning your MP will be drained in place of your HP.
Spirit of Genie – It’s a free skill and really helps in raids or dungeons. It increases all your stats by 80% in PvE for 15 seconds. Just get it.
Slight Turn -Level 1. It allows you to kick enemies from the side
Soul Kiss – Allows you to attack enemies that are on the floor. This skill I would consider not really reliable as if you miss the enemy and they wake up you would have to perform the skill until it ends.
Return Spin – Not needed as you seldom can stun enemies and it’s a waste of SP.
Ghost Kick – Level 1. This skill allows you to land faster back on your feet after Aerial Evasion or casting your dancer skills.
Turning Step – Level 5. Your Tumble skill, not really much information here.
Dummy Ghost – Level 6. The higher the skill the lower the cool down. This skill gives us the bigger advantage with all classes as the escape distance is very far compared to other classes. But the bad part is that you can only use this skill when you are staggered or flinched. Use this skill well as it can save your life several times.
Aerial Evasion – Level 4. Allows you to recover while in the air.
Slave Hand – Level 1. Your wake attack skill it also pushes mobs and opponents away from you while you wake up.
Physical Mastery – Level 5. Max it for more HP.
Mental Mastery – Level 5. Gives you more MP.
Mind Conquer – Level 4. Having this skill maxed can help you in ladder as the MP you receive in ladder can be very low.
Breeze Call Dance – Level 10. One of your best skills to allow for more damage it also heals a bit of your HP while you use this skill. It also stack Final Damage with your skills.
Breeze Call – Level 1. Give more critical to the Blade Dancer Skills.
Graze Dance – Level 11. This skill AoE maybe small but when you receive the EX version the AoE will be significantly bigger.
Sweet Circle – Level 1. You just need the skill for the super armor breakage and the flinch effect.
Twinkle Spin – Level 11. This skill has an i frame but it only happens when you are launching your self up into the air. Spinning in the air will grant you only about 1 second of i frame. Use Ghost Kick or Refreshing Screw to land faster if you haven’t get your EX.
Refreshing Screw – Level 1. You get an i frame in this skill but take note it’s only at the middle of the animation. The start and end of the animation do not have any i frame. The skill also decreases in cool down at level 6, 11, 16, 21 but only for PvE.
Elegant Storm – Level 10. You are a walking storm and the DPS damage for this skill is really good.
Inner Fire – Level 2. This skill grants you invincibility through out the whole Ultimate process. There is no need for a dual ultimate for Blade Dancers. The skill can deal a total of 18 hits and has a suction effect too. Do take note the speed of the ultimate is very fast and takes time to get used to. You can also start it immediately by pressing the”Normal Attack Button”.
Illusion Dance – Level 1. This skill is also the same as Breeze Call Dance but more for Spirit Dancers both dance share cool downs. So if you use this skill the Breeze Call Dance will be on cool down. Your Spirit Dancer skills also deal more damage when using this buff.
Illusion Gaze – Level 1. The i frame for this skill is quite long and the skill also makes your attack speed faster.
Stalker – Level 1. There is a mini i frame when summoning the stalker. This skill can be easily spammable too and it can follow your opponents anywhere for a period of time. It causes a stagger effect when it hits the mob/opponent.
Dusk Hunter – Level 1. This skill allows you to push the enemy back and stagger them.
Abolisher – Level 1. Allows you to lift your opponents up into the air and also has an i frame while casting this skill.
Sufi Dancer – Level 8. The DPS damage for this skill is really over the age. The damage at higher levels is also good.
General Dunblade – Level 6. He has a large AoE and also high super armor. Very good skill. The last hit can deal 60% of the board damage.
Storm of Ewiniar – Ultimate for Spirit Dancers. This skill can allow you to be invincible throughout the time but the casting speed is quite slow and your opponents can run out if they have the time and space to do it.
Sinia Turn – Level 1. Allows you to get closer to your opponent or coral the mobs together, The skill also decreases in cool down with every increase in skill for PvE.
Mist Step – Level 1. There are two versions for this, one can lift your opponent into the air and another can push your opponent back. The skill also reduces in cool down with every increase in level for PvE.
Ecstatic Dance Part 1 – Level 4. Ghoul Dance: Activate with left click after 0.5 seconds. Summon 2 dancing ghouls. Give additional damage to surrounding enemies within 15m when attacked. This skill is similar to Barbarian’s Bone Crash as it grants you extra damage to mobs. Ogre Dance: Activate with right click after 0.5 seconds. Summon a dancing ogre. Heal all party members for 5 seconds. The healing rate was pretty good until it was nerfed.
Ecstatic Dance Part II – Level 3. Allows you to summon elves to give extra damage to the enemies. For every 1% you take from the enemy there would be extra damage dealt to the enemy. Something close to Gladiator’s Final Attack.
Ecstatic Dance Part III: This skill allows you to summon a Minotaur and increases your party and your HP by a huge % but you would also need a Priest for this skill as the mino only increases your HP and HP recovery rate but still needs a priest to heal you up to your max HP. As I am not a person who parties much with people and more people would want me to summon Dance II and I more often that’s why I dropped this skill. *Note: How to check which dance you are doing is to see the color change in the dance. If you see the dance change in color then you are able to summon Dance II and III.
Squall Flaker – Level 6. This skill can grant you an i frame at the first part and if you choose to attack back press the Space bar button. This skill is same to the Gladiator’s Evasion Slash as you can activate this skill anytime throughout any skill.
Hurricane Gust – This skill can deal serious DPS damage but it has a limited AoE. It is easy to be cancelled if you use the skill wrongly. Make sure your opponent is on the floor before trying to use this skill.
Her weapon of choice is the chakrams as they add physical damage to you. Fans are only for Screamers.
- She has a lot of invincibility frames (i frames).
- She can cancel and chain skills easily.
- Her buffs are very useful in raids.
- Considered as a DPS class.
- Her EX skills give even more faster action speed.
- As she is a fast class could be confusing for beginners.
- Her skill cool downs are generally more longer then the Spirit Dancer.
- Low superarmor.
- Skills can be cancelled easily by super armor breaking classes.
The skill build is just here to guide you and can be changed to your preference. This skill build is purely built to my way of playing. I would be noting at the skill descriptions to show which skills could be changed if you would not want to add the skills. So enjoy! The build would be written and explained in the context of a hybrid build, Pure PvE and PvP build are attached below.
Soul Wind – Level 1. This skill is considered mid range but you don’t really need this skill at high level.
Dancer Skills
Blade Dancer Skills
*Note: If you are fighting a Kali in PvP always make sure you bait the Dummy Ghost before casting this skill as they can escape from the AoE when they are attacked by it.
Spirit Dancer Skills
Passives and Buffs
Blade Dancer Skills
Graze Dance EX – Level 1. This skill will now generate a ball that will stay there and suck enemies in for 2 seconds. Allowing to combo more skills on the enemy.
Sweet Circle EX – Level 1. The AoE of the skill is generally increase press the “Normal Attack Button” to release another wave of chakrams.
Twinkle Spin EX – Level 1. The skill speed is increased by 30% and you would not need Ghost Kick to land faster as the EX will help to kick the enemy back down onto the floor.
Happy Gaming~!
Hybrid Skill Build
Pure PvE Skill Build
Changes Made:
- As this is a PvE build I had allocated 3 SP into the Ecstatic Dance Part III for nest purpose. But if you do not use it you can allocate it into either Sufi Dancer or Graze Dance.
- Squall Flaker is only level 4 as I feel there is really nothing to the damage and I would rather make other skills level even higher,
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