Soul Eaters are one of the best class in de buffing mobs and opponents most of her skills does damage over time and though her skills are dark based she still is wanted in nest due to her puppet summoning abilities and lowering the critical of opponents and increasing hers. Her curse damage is superb as it deal damage over time and her AoE is more bigger compared to her sister counterpart the Dark Summoner.
This skill build could be considered one of the best skill builds I have made since I main this character a lot and have brought her ratings up to 1800 ratings in ladder with the skill builds I have released. Still trying to get even higher! 
Her weapon of choice are fans.
- Her curse damage allows a good debuff.
- Great debuffer with Soul Scream.
- Summon Puppet is one skill to be utilized in nests.
- Skill are long range and big in AoE.
- She cast her skills slowly, you have to be careful not to cancel them.
- Mana problems are sometimes your worst nightmares.
- She has little defense.
- Needs time to set up skills properly.
There are 3 skill mechanisms you need to know and understand to fully utilize a Screamer to it’s full potential. Screamers are still rare in the game since most players take the mainstream dancers loads of players don’t understand what your skill does.
Curse Status - One of your skills to kill off enemies. As when they are cursed every 2 seconds while they are dealing damage they will at least reduce 2k HP. It takes the base 100% of your magic damage. So in PvP it’s at least 2k. Only walking then the curse will not be in effect even a tumble can reduce your HP. Utilize your curse skills well since its sometimes sadistic to see your opponents dash to their death.
Branded Status - When you/opponent/mob are branded you can see a plus sign around you meaning you are branded and if any of this skill hits you be prepared to get extra damage. Spirit Paper, Soul Gate, Ghost Scream and Summon Puppet. The three skill allows an extra hit meaning an extra bird is summoned, Soul Gate’s ghosts allows an extra hit. Soul Gate will also be smarter in targeting the opponent. Ghost Scream will produce additional talismans. Summon Puppet will be allowed to be summoned.
Delay Status - When you are hit by Cling Snake, you are slowed down by at least 50% and will gradually recover. It’s effect is like the ice slow effect. Also skill like Cling Snake, Ghost Scream and Dragon’s Soul can induce the delay effect.
The skill build is just here to guide you and can be changed to your preference. This skill build is purely built to my way of playing. I would be noting at the skill descriptions to show which skills could be changed if you would not want to add the skills. So enjoy!
The build would be written and explained in the context of a hybrid build, Pure PvE and PvP build are attached below.
Soul Wind – Level 1. This skill is considered mid range but you don’t really need this skill at high level.
Despair Needle – Level 1. Extra skill to continue catching your opponent. If your opponent is on the floor they cannot stand up if they are hit by it.
Sting Breeze – Level 1. Not really needed as high levels but this skill has two parts. One part would be pushing the mob back and the second part is lifting the mob up into the air
Fancy Turn – Level 1. The skill makes you turn on the spot and whack mobs 360 degrees around you.
Spirit Blow – Level 1. This skill is great as it lifts your opponent up into the air and allow you to waste their Aerial Evasion or their Tumble skill. It also uses physical attack and can deal big damage at the higher levels.
Negative Ghost - Level 1. Not really needed but when you are at low level it could help in PvE as it makes mobs walk away from you like they are confused. Gives you a little breather space. In PvP you can also use it to push your opponents away from you and then cast Despair Needle.
Phantom Guard – Level 5. This skill is very useful regardless of PvE or PvP as it increases your superarmor and also gives you damage reduction. Meaning your MP will be drained in place of your HP.
Spirit of Genie – It’s a free skill and really helps in raids or dungeons. It increases all your stats by 80% in PvE for 15 seconds. Just get it.
Slight Turn -Level 1. It allows you to kick enemies from the side
Soul Kiss – Allows you to attack enemies that are on the floor. This skill I would consider not really reliable as if you miss the enemy and they wake up you would have to perform the skill until it ends.
Return Spin – Not needed as you seldom can stun enemies and it’s a waste of SP.
Ghost Kick – Level 1. This skill allows you to land faster back on your feet after Aerial Evasion or casting your dancer skills.
Turning Step – Level 5. Your Tumble skill, not really much information here.
Dummy Ghost – Level 6. The higher the skill the lower the cool down. This skill gives us the bigger advantage with all classes as the escape distance is very far compared to other classes. But the bad part is that you can only use this skill when you are staggered or flinched. Use this skill well as it can save your life several times.
Aerial Evasion – Level 4. Allows you to recover while in the air.
Slave Hand – Level 1. Your wake attack skill it also pushes mobs and opponents away from you while you wake up.
Physical Mastery – Level 5. Max it for more HP.
Mental Mastery – Level 5. Gives you more MP.
Mind Conquer – Level 4. Having this skill maxed can help you in ladder as the MP you receive in ladder can be very low.
Soul Eater Skills
Stigma of Curse – Level 6. Having this at level allows you to produce 2 talismans meaning double the chance to imprint your opponent/boss. At level 11, you can throw 3 talismans. In DNsea we do not have the effect when you hit the same opponent twice the debuff is gone. You can still summon puppet. Hitting your opponent once would stagger them so throwing another talisman would make them fall to the ground.
Summon Puppet – Level 5. Definitely a must max for screamers as this is mainly the skill we get accepted for when we take part in nests. The extra damage done to the boss is good.
*Note that some boss reduces the puppet duration by a lot. Typhoon Kim is one of them.
Spirit Paper – Level 16. Though the damage is only great when you get all hits. Having it at level 6,11,16,21 would allow you to increase the duration of the curse.
Cling Snake -Level 15. Best to get a skill ring for this skill as it increases the slow debuff to almost 60%. This skill is best dealt at point blank range, allowing all snakes to hit.
Soul Gate – Level 11. This skill is a bit slower without the EX. But its still in making enemies use their Tumble. The duration of curse also increases when it hits level 6,11,16,21.
*This skill can travel through relics and summons in PvP.
Beast Spirit – Level 10. One of your main DPS skill in PvE or PvP. It takes some skill to set up.
*Usually I use rampage claw to stun opponents before throwing Beast Spirit.
In PvE you can use Revenge Zone to coral the mobs then use Beast Spirit.
Dragon’s Soul – Level 2. One of the higher damaging ultimate between the two specializations It takes time to set up too and not used blindly. You are not invincible when casting therefore higher SA breaking skills can cancel it. Use it when your opponent is lying on the floor. Dragon Soul gives additional 15% damage when the opponent/mob is under the Curse Status.
* In PvP throw a Beast Spirit along with Dragon’s Soul maximizing the DPS.
Dark Summoner Skills
Phantom’s Rage – Level 1. Allows you to stay in the air for awhile. Throws 5 claws at your opponents.
*Note that in PvP, Moonblade Dance can be even higher then you and if the skill hits you can fall back down onto the floor. L
Blitz Claw – Level 1. This skill can deal decent DPS if your opponent or mobs are together. But the damage dealt is lessen after consecutive 2 hits. So do take note. Some players prefer this to Cling Snake so if you want to switch around its still fine.
Phantom Claw – Level 1. Great skill to push opponents away. Has a slight stagger when you hit them. Used for utility.
Chain Claw – Level 1. I use this skill only for utility as it’s a very good skill in wasting your opponent’s Aerial Evade. You can chain together with Spirit Blow after they Aerial Evade.
Revenge Zone – Level 1. In terms of DPS this skill is great but since we need the claw skills just for utility, we shall just leave it at level 1. If opponent or mobs are grabbed they will be launched into the air.
Rampage Claw – Level 1. The higher the level of this skill the stun is also increased. I try to find stun stats for my plates and also use a Shock plate and my stun is currently at 8k. Usually its enough to stun mobs but for PvP mostly you can stagger your opponents. Just throw a normal attack to make them fall.
Phantom’s Avenger – Having a dual ultimate if your SP allows you to do it. Having this skill for the damage increment skill cool down reduction is also good. Note that you are invincible as long you have the claw mark above your head. It’s like a mini Divine Avatar, many Screamers and other classes don’t know about this effect as I have PvP a lot of times with this ultimate and they continue attacking me after being buffed. Your attack speed is also greatly increased. Summoning Soul Gate and Beast Spirit is also faster.
Passives and Buffs
Spirit Twinge – Level 1. You just need it to flinch opponents or to get close with them by casting Dummy Ghost right after the skill. Hold the Shift button to activate the Tumble skill.
Ghost Scream – I do not rely on this skill since most of the time I find it hard to utilize and there is a bug with this passive since there are times I do not activate this skill after Tumbling. It delays your opponent if hit and also extra talisman are produced and dealt in their direction when they are branded. Also there is not enough SP to allocate into this skill so it still depends if you want to add this skill.
Grudge Formation – Level 1. Some players feel this skill is great in terms of PvE, you can get this skill to it’s max level if you remove SP from the Claw skills.
Resent Area – Not needed for Soul Eaters only. If you want this skill then you would have to drop Chaos Formation. This skill makes you a mobile claw weapon as for every 2 seconds claws will appear around you can flinch opponents who are hit. You can continue to deal damage even if you are in the middle of this skill.
Increase Soul – Level 3. It’s a great skill in terms of buffing you but the price to pay is with your HP. This skill does not base on the % of HP you have as seen on the skill description. It only will remove 251 HP at level 3 of the skill for every 2 seconds. The buff can increase almost 2K Magic Attack and helps a lot.
Soul Eater Skills
Spectre of Pain – Level 6. This skill is pretty cool but it has a long casting time. It can travel through mobs and opponents within 10m and once the mob/opponent is hit by the skill they are indicated with a white smoke animation around them and will last for 15s. Curse will also debuffed on them ticking every 2 seconds. It’s one of your highest curse debuff duration. If you manage to cast 3 times successfully on the same target there will be an explosion that lifts them into the air. You have almost 2 tries to hit them again before the debuff is gone. The skill is only 7s in cool down regardless of PvE or PvP making it one of the shortest active skill in the level 45 skills.
Soul Scream – Level 3. The low level of this skill compared to other 50 skills is compensated due to the AoE and the debuff. Though this is one skill you need proper setting up as the casting animation is quite long. Once mob/opponent is debuff by the scream their chance of giving out critical is zero and their critical resist is reduced by 15% and your critical is enhanced by 55% at level 3 of the skill. Like I mentioned why we are only able to add till level 3 only whereas other class can go higher is because our debuff do not change in terms of PvE or PvP. Your stats are the same the only changing is the damage and the duration of the debuff.
The AoE of the skill is always underestimated by other classes since they seldom see this 50 skill. The AoE of the skill is at least 180 degrees like the Binding Shot EX AoE and almost about 7-7.5m wide that’s how I roughly test it out. So make sure not to waste this skill when casting. Try to bait their Tumble skills before using the skill.
You can also chain this skill when your opponent is stuck in Beast Spirit, giving the slight chance of Beast Spirit getting a critical hit.
Spirit Paper EX – Level 1. Having this EX really changes up a lot of the skill used. As the explosion effect when the bird hits the ground or opponent can stagger them. You can also hit downed targets with the birds and refresh the curse duration every time a new bird hits. It also adds another 2 more birds making it a total of 6 birds and if you have a branded target the total count will be 7.
Cling Snake EX – Level 1. This skill greatly improves in terms of AoE and mobility. The skill changes to 4 snakes and the AoE is gradually bigger, there is an additional grounding effect making your opponent/mob stuck there for 1.5s (PvP), 3s (PvE). Allows you to combo skills more easily.
Soul Gate EX – Level 1. One of the best EX in terms of damage and animation. For starters the gate is changed into red and the ghost comes out even faster and knocks a really big punch. The large wave of ghosts usually will knock the opponent onto the floor and usually another wave would follow immediately making it harder for your opponent to wake up. Combo them to death if you can!
Attached below are the skill builds for the Hybrid, Pure PvE and Pure PvP.
Happy Gaming~!
Hybrid Skill Build
Pure PvE Skill Build
Changes made:
- Negative Ghost and Despair Needle is removed since in PvE you wont need to use this skills much.
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